聯絡 Contact:  Moss Akbarian
 電話 Telephone:  +61 413 599 305
 電郵 Email:  propertyandlandconsultants@gmail.com
Two Sites for Sale, Castle Hill Australia
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Information  資 料
 Ref no 編號: AUP-20221020-322011
Owner Property 私人物業: Yes
 Selling Price 售價 (AUD): To be confirmed
 Property Type 物業種類: Sites for sale
 Country 國家:


 Region 區域 :

Castle Hill

About the Sites  關於物業

Two Sites of Castle Hill for Sale

The development sites are located in Castle Hill. Castle Hill is located approximately 25 Km from Sydney CBD (Central Business District) and 10 Km from Parramatta being the second CBD of Sydney presently undergoing massive development. With 2 Metro stations and fantastic retail, café and restaurant facilities, the Castle area is targeted for major developments.

This Island Site is approximately 10,000 sqm with extensive frontage to two quiet streets making it an ideal site for a residential development potentially consisting of approximately 100 luxury villas. It is within walking distance to the metro station.

This Parsonage Site is approximately 4,000 sqm within close proximity to Metro stations. This site is suitable for residential development potentially consisting of approximately 39 villas.

Disclaimer: Asset Realty believes that this information is correct but does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information. Certain information has been obtained from external sources and has not been independently verified. You should make your own enquiries and check the information.

Contacts:  聯絡

Moss Akbarian

Phone Number: +61 413 599 305



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